Manoir chambres d'hôtes
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6 bedrooms
7 bathrooms
12 guests
Minimum stay varies
The minimum stay for this property changes depending on the dates selected
Le Manoirs des Innocents niché au cœur de montagnes Bamiléké accueille vos événement le temps d'un weekend : Mariages, Funérailles, Anniversaire, Baptême. Vous pouvez y recevoir environ 2000 hôtes repartis sous 7 terrasses et tentes/Chapiteaux.
Chambre moderne pour hôte avec une cuisine a partagé
Un parc de 1000m2 et des balcons sont à votre disposition
House Rules
Pets not allowedKid friendlyNo smoking
5 Kings1 Queen
7 Full baths
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What this rental offers
Wi-fi and internet
- Wi-fi
Location info
- Kid friendly
Outdoor amenities
- Garage
- Private yard
Indoor amenities
- Internet access
- Secure parking available
- Parking available
Getting there
Bafoussam Airport
6 mi
Bamenda Airport
44 mi
Le Kotibe-zingana Hôtel
15 min
About this property
- First, check the Availability tab on this page to see if your dates are available. If they are, contact the owner via the Tripadvisor Rental Inbox to confirm availability.
- If the owner has provided contact information, you may contact him or her directly. If not, you can contact the owner via the Tripadvisor Rental Inbox. This inbox is created after you send your first message or booking request to the owner
- You can send another message via the Tripadvisor Rental Inbox to check if the property is still available. If the owner has listed a phone number, you can also call to follow up. send inquiries to other properties. If you still don't hear from the owner, Tripadvisor recommends that you send inquiries to other properties.
- If the owner approves your stay, he or she will let you know which forms of payment are accepted. This owner does not currently accept payments via the Tripadvisor inbox.
This property is affiliated with All bookings are direct with the owner
Property #HL22214149317