8 Common Review Express Concerns

Answers to the most frequently asked Review Express questions.

1. Why is Review Express better than sending my own email?

Review Express is an easy way to collect feedback from guests. You’ll benefit from co-branding with Tripadvisor, the world’s largest travel site. You’ll have access to the Review Express dashboard, which provides clear, accurate results for each of your campaigns. There’s also a reminder email that’s automatically sent to guests who don’t respond – making it even easier for you to get more reviews. 

2. How do email permissions work?

Read our article on Review Express and email permissions here.

3. What happens with my guests’ email addresses when I use Review Express?

When the email addresses are received they are run through our Review Express filters. First, addresses of recipients who have elected not to receive emails from Review Express are removed. Then, addresses that have received Review Express emails from you in the last 30 days, and those that have written a review of your business in the last three months, are removed.

Your Review Express email is sent to the remaining addresses and responses are tracked in the dashboard. If there’s no response within 7 days, and you’ve chosen to send a reminder email to guests, Tripadvisor will send a follow up email on your behalf. At that point, the addresses remain stored in a Tripadvisor server, so results of the campaign can continue to be tracked in the dashboard and future email campaign lists can be properly filtered.    

4. How does Tripadvisor protect my guests’ information?

Email addresses provided to Tripadvisor through Review Express are stored separately and securely. Access is limited to specific people on the Tripadvisor team.

5. Does Tripadvisor use these email addresses for other purposes?

No. Tripadvisor recognizes the value and importance in protecting your guests’ information. Email addresses submitted for Review Express are not used for any other purpose. They are not subscribed to general Tripadvisor email campaigns, or tracked for anything other than reporting on your Review Express dashboard.

6. If I provide my guests’ email addresses, will they automatically become Tripadvisor members?

No, we do not automatically create memberships for Review Express email recipients. However, a user will need a Tripadvisor membership to write a review of your property. When users decide to submit reviews, they can choose to register on the site or log in to their existing accounts and then adjust account settings in relation to receiving future emails from Tripadvisor.

7. Can I accidentally over-email my guests with Review Express?

Only one initial Review Express email and one reminder email can be sent to each guest per visit to your property, within a 30-day time period. The reminder email is only sent if you elect to use that feature and your guest hasn’t already written a review about your property.

If you’re using automated Review Express, we’ll also compare any incoming addresses from your hospitality technology provider with your campaign history to ensure your guests aren’t double-emailed. This is important because you should still use manual Review Express to send emails to the people who don’t book through your technology providers.

8. Can I be selective and only send Review Express emails to guests who are likely to write positive reviews?

You should ask all guests for permission to email them, and send Review Express emails to everyone who consents. Selectively emailing guests who are most likely to write positive reviews is considered a fraudulent practice and may result in penalties for your property. For more information, click here. Keep in mind – properties are often surprised by the amount of positive feedback they receive … after all, the average Tripadvisor review rating is 4.12 bubbles out of 5.1

  • 1. Tripadvisor internal data, January 2014

Last Updated: June 20, 2018