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Plan Your Trip to Mancora: Best of Mancora Tourism

By Kiara de Olazabal

Mancora, Peru

In Mancora, it’s all about the beach. Calm Pocitas Beach is a great place to soak up some sun, float serenely in a natural swimming pool or simply stroll the beautiful shoreline. Vichayito Beach is great for diving and kitesurfing, while the South Beach bustles with vendors, surfers and rowdy tourists. Book a guided adventure tour to visit nearby waterfalls and mud baths, or book a motorbike or horseback ride to explore the beaches and back roads.

Essential Mancora

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Mancora Is Great For

Eat & drink


The great outdoors

After dark

Frequently Asked Questions about Mancora

We recommend staying at one of the most popular hotels in Mancora, which include:

Some of the most popular restaurants in Mancora include:

Mancora is known for some of its popular attractions, which include:

If you're a more budget-conscious traveler, then you may want to consider traveling to Mancora between March and May, when hotel prices are generally the lowest. Peak hotel prices generally start between December and February.