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Plan Your Trip to Little Rock: Best of Little Rock Tourism

By RyanSchweitzer

Little Rock, Arkansas

The Clintons may have put Little Rock on the map, but this charming and historic capital city offers plenty of reasons to keep it there. The Central High Museum tells the painful, powerful story of the city's racial struggles. Political buffs and Clinton fans will want to check out the State Capitol. Shoppers can spend hours at the River Market, a collection of tasty eateries and eclectic stores. Kids will be more than wowed by attractions such as the Children's Museum, the Museum of Discovery and the Zoo, famous for its eye-popping ape exhibit. Stay at a charming historic abode, an inviting bed and breakfast or a luxury hotel. Eat at fabulous restaurants and enjoy exciting nightlife. Little Rock has all the ingredients of a perfect weekend getaway.

Essential Little Rock

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Frequently Asked Questions about Little Rock

If you're a more budget-conscious traveler, then you may want to consider traveling to Little Rock between March and May, when hotel prices are generally the lowest. Peak hotel prices generally start between December and February.