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Plan Your Trip to Lansing: Best of Lansing Tourism

By Sudarsan V

Lansing, Michigan

The birthplace of the Oldsmobile and Michigan's automotive center, Lansing offers visitors a number of car-related sites like plant tours and automobile museums, but there are other forces driving this capital city. On the political side, there's the award-winning State Capitol Building, completely restored in 1992, where tourists are wowed by the glass-floor rotunda and acres of decorative handpainted surfaces. The Michigan Historical Museum, which boasts a great collection of items from Michigan's past, including a recreated copper mine, will please history buffs. Children and families will enjoy taking a camel ride at the Potter Park Zoo or spending the day biking through Sleepy Hollow State Park. On the cultural side, the nearby campus of Michigan State University is a must-see for the Kresge Museum and for the beautiful campus itself. Entertaining and educational attractions, great shopping, fabulous restaurants and a variety of affordable accommodations make Lansing worth the ride.

Essential Lansing

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lansing

Some of the most popular restaurants in Lansing include:

Lansing is known for some of its popular attractions, which include:

If you're a more budget-conscious traveler, then you may want to consider traveling to Lansing between March and May, when hotel prices are generally the lowest. Peak hotel prices generally start between September and November.