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Plan Your Trip to Adeje: Best of Adeje Tourism

By Management

Adeje, Spain

With the dramatic backdrop of 12,200-foot Mount Teide towering behind the resort, Adeje makes an unforgettable vacation destination. Adeje is less than two miles from the boisterous nightlife of Playa de las Americas, allowing visitors to choose whether to take it easy or to party. Bake in the sun on black volcanic sands before cooling down at a water park, such as popular Siam Park, or out windsurfing. Barranco del Infierno, Hell's Gorge, is a lush oasis, perfect for hiking.

Essential Adeje

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Adeje Is Great For

After dark

Self-guided Tours

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Frequently Asked Questions about Adeje

Adeje is known for some of its popular attractions, which include:

If you're a more budget-conscious traveler, then you may want to consider traveling to Adeje between September and November, when hotel prices are generally the lowest. Peak hotel prices generally start between December and February.