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Plan Your Trip to Ahmedabad: Best of Ahmedabad Tourism

By Let's Go Sightseeing

Ahmedabad, India

Founded in the 15th century, Ahmedabad is the largest city in the state of Gujrat. The city is a vibrant business district and rising centre of education, information technology and scientific industries. Divided in two - the old city and the new city; The city offers different moods right from the hustle-bustle of C.G. Road in the heart of Ahmedabad to the quite retreat of of the Sabarmati Ashram. Ahmedabad enjoys a thriving cultural tradition, being the centre of Gujarati cultural activities and diverse traditions of different ethnic and religious communities. Popular celebrations and observances include Uttarayan - an annual kite-flying day on 14 January and the nine nights of Navratri - celebrated with people performing Garba - the folk dance of Gujarat - at venues across the city.

Essential Ahmedabad

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ahmedabad

Some of the most popular restaurants in Ahmedabad include:

Ahmedabad is known for some of its popular attractions, which include:

If you're a more budget-conscious traveler, then you may want to consider traveling to Ahmedabad between March and May, when hotel prices are generally the lowest. Peak hotel prices generally start between September and November.