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Plan Your Trip to Roskilde: Best of Roskilde Tourism

By Rasady

Roskilde, Denmark

Home to the four-day Roskilde Festival, arguably the best European rock festival, hilly Roskilde is less than 20 miles from Copenhagen. If hordes of rock stars aren't pillaging the town of 50,000, the excellent Viking ship museum is Roskilde's prime attraction. Featuring five ships discovered at the bottom of the fjord, you can add to the Viking experience by rowing the fjord on an hour-long longboat trip. The town is also famed for its much adapted 12th-century Roskilde Domkirke Cathedral.

Essential Roskilde

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Roskilde Is Great For

Eat & drink

Make & see art

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After dark

The great outdoors

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Frequently Asked Questions about Roskilde

We recommend staying at one of the most popular hotels in Roskilde, which include:

Some of the most popular restaurants in Roskilde include:

If you're a more budget-conscious traveler, then you may want to consider traveling to Roskilde between March and May, when hotel prices are generally the lowest. Peak hotel prices generally start between September and November.