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Plan Your Trip to Eindhoven: Best of Eindhoven Tourism

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Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Eindhoven is one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands, but you’d never know it from the high-tech industry and cutting-edge design it’s currently known for. If you have kids obsessed by all things wheeled, they will love the trucks at the DAF Museum.

Essential Eindhoven

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Eindhoven Is Great For

Historical Tours


Cultural Tours

Concerts & shows

Eat & drink

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Frequently Asked Questions about Eindhoven

Some of the most popular restaurants in Eindhoven include:

Eindhoven is known for some of its popular attractions, which include:

If you're a more budget-conscious traveler, then you may want to consider traveling to Eindhoven between March and May, when hotel prices are generally the lowest. Peak hotel prices generally start between September and November.