Monterosso al Mare
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Plan Your Trip to Monterosso al Mare: Best of Monterosso al Mare Tourism

By Cogito Ergo Sum

Monterosso al Mare, Italy

The last of the five villages along the Cinque Terre strip, Monterosso al Mare is the most visited, largely because it has the only sizable sand beach and the biggest hotels. Though it can get very crowded with tourists during the peak summer months, Monterosso is still delightful. The old town area, separated from the more modern resort area by the Aurora tower, is home to the ruins of a medieval castle and San Francesco church, which houses an important Van Dyck painting of the crucifixion.

Essential Monterosso al Mare

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Frequently Asked Questions about Monterosso al Mare

We recommend staying at one of the most popular hotels in Monterosso al Mare, which include:

Some of the most popular restaurants in Monterosso al Mare include:

Monterosso al Mare is known for some of its popular attractions, which include:

If you're a more budget-conscious traveler, then you may want to consider traveling to Monterosso al Mare between March and May, when hotel prices are generally the lowest. Peak hotel prices generally start between June and August.