Disgusting, run down, live cockroach crawling on carpet (could hear clicky movement noises during night probably the cockroaches moving in the walls), peeling wallpaper off of walls in several places, flickering lights when turn on light switch, wall fixtures missing screws, broken picture glass, smelly, chipped tile on bathroom floor and shower tiles patched in places not level with the surrounding tiles, patched piping to make sub par shower head taller, sink vanity pulling away from the wall, silicone patching on vanity absurd, dark stain around sink drain, noisy air unit, tv inset into box framed into wall down low and awkward angle if you do want to watch it, sheet rock patching over top of wallpaper above tv, wood strip missing from around tv inset, towels old and dingy and not soft, parking small and tight, outside of building structure run down and old looking, pool small and not maintained small and by road my kids didn't even want to get in it. Couldn't wait to get out of this place shaking out everything we owned before we left. Was the most run down motel we saw in town. After finding the cockroach in the morning we couldn't get out fast enough and didn't dare eat here for the complementary breakfast. We left as soon as we could and cancelled our next 2 nights here and made reservations across town for the rest of our stay in Page. Made reservations through our vacation club on the phone, MISTAKE so embarrassed to be a part of that vacation property if this is a facility they contract with. This place shouldn't charge more than $20 a night making the $127 listed price of the room way overpriced. DO NOT STAY HERE. The staff was nice and I felt bad for them that they were employed at this hole of an establishment.