Highest wind speed ever recorded? Count me in! Loved seeing the scientific content and learning... read more
Highest wind speed ever recorded? Count me in! Loved seeing the scientific content and learning... read more
Sitting atop the Northeast’s tallest peak, Mount Washington is the Mount Washington Observatory... read more
We drove up the mountain, which gets a little creepy at times, but I did not bad. This was our first time here and I was actually more scared of the cog train than my husband's driving, but next time we come we will do the train. It doesn't look scary at all now that I have seen how it all works. It was not temperature cold, but the wind chill was cold. It was beautiful! You could see forever and the mountains were colorful so it was gorgeous. My pictures do it no justice. They give you a tape to play along the way, and when you are finished you have a bumper sticker that says something like "I survived Mt. Washington!" Lol We ate at the top. Food was not bad. Anyway, it was fun and I highly recommend this adventure.
We took the COG train to the top. Amazing view! Be prepared for the weather it was a 35 degree difference from the bottom of the mountain. Luckily we were prepared - many were not!
Rode the Cog Railway...beautiful scenery, unbeatable experience! Wear warm clothes, it gets chilly up there!
Enjoyed my fall extreme weather day on Mt. Washington auto road. Very windy and low clouds up on top (which limited visibility) but was fun anyway. And I saw a moose on the way down!
We had an amazing trip up to the Mt Washington Observatory this spring on the Cog; the conductor in the train was amazing. The sites were also something to experience
Drive the auto road. Drive the auto road. For the ultimate view and experience, drive the auto road.