Highest wind speed ever recorded? Count me in! Loved seeing the scientific content and learning... read more
Highest wind speed ever recorded? Count me in! Loved seeing the scientific content and learning... read more
Sitting atop the Northeast’s tallest peak, Mount Washington is the Mount Washington Observatory... read more
If you have any fear of heights, take the train or vans. The drive up can be terrifying. No exaggeration. No guard rails, steep drops, narrow road, sharp curves and limited visibility in some spots. There's also the concern about your car's brakes overheating. That said, it is well worth the trip.. The views are breathtaking. Be sure to bring warm clothes as the temperature up top can be 30 degrees F lower than those down below.
We always make this a stop when in North Conway. It's very informative with different hands on stations. It shows you just how unpredictable the weather can be on top of Mount Washington and how forceful the weather can be. Interesting history of climbers and of the gear needed. Stop in and enjoy and it's free!
We decided to do the self auto drive. There is a charge. For the 2 of us it was $38.00. There is an 8 mile road that winds up through the mountains. The fall foliage was beautiful. You should be aware that this is a 2 lane road with sharp drop offs and alot of curves. Once you get to the top be prepared for the temperature to be at least 20 degrees cooler than when you started and windy so bring a jacket. You can look out from the discovery center or go outside and also get some amazing pictures. There is a railway that runs up as well. You can ride this both ways or one way should you want to hike 8 miles in either direction. They have a small snack bar and gift shop. When you are finished and start the drive down the mountain be sure you understand that you can not ride your brakes the entire way or you will have no brakes when you arrive back on flat land. You must run in the lowest gear even with and automatic transmission. Be sure to pull off the road in turn outs to let your brakes cool off. We noticed alot of brakes were smelling as they went back down. The tour includes a CD but our rental car did not have a cd player.
Took the cog up.
About 1 hour up 1 hour observe 1 hour down total 3 hours
Have to check wheather before otherwise spend to much for riding a cog train with no view
Cold windy up so bring coat and hat for the ears
Costs too much for person but nice to see 1 time
took the train and the weather was cold cloudy with rain ..but the cloud on top makes it so amazing and beautiful . took the car ride as well ..it's a nice one to check out the colors and view from the top is amazing
The Mount Washington Observatory or weather observation station is located at the summit of Mount Washington in New Hampshire. Its mission is to advance understanding of the natural systems that create the Earth's weather and climate by maintaining its mountaintop weather station, conducting research and educational programs and interpreting the heritage of the Mount Washington region. The first regular meteorological observations on Mount Washington were conducted by the U.S. Signal Service, a precursor of the Weather Bureau, from 1870 to 1892. The Mount Washington station was the first of its kind in the world, setting an example followed by many other countries. In 1934, the observatory recorded a wind gust that at the time had the highest speed in the world, a record that was held until 1996. It makes prominent use of the slogan "Home of the World's Worst Weather," a claim that originated with a 1940 article by Charles Brooks, who is credited with creating the observatory. Other facilities associated with the observatory are the Weather Discovery Center in North Conway, which provides information and interactive exhibits on Mount Washington and the weather that surrounds it, and the Mount Washington Museum, located in the Sherman Adams Summit Building in Mount Washington, which illustrates the rich natural history of Mount Washington.