My husband and I were traveling with my sister and my parents who are older.
We took the 10AM tour to the Everglades. The confirmation emails and details were very specific that we must check in at the pick up point by 9am. We planned the previous evening to make sure we could make this early start time, since weren't staying nearby. When we got there a few min before 9, there was no bus. We called customer support to find out that the bus would only be here at 10am.
Later that evenong we had a boat tour with the same company. They straight up told us the wrong name of the boat - go to the 'Island Wind' we're our instructions, but that boat wasn't even at the marina. When we asked the crew at the boat called Bay Ride, they told us that the island wind wouldn't be in for another hour. We had to run back and forth for a whole half hour between the boats and the information booth to find out that the tour was supposed to be on the Bay Ride!!!
I did not appreciate that my parents had to rush around as much because the Miami tour company gave us very poor instructions. I would not recommend this company.
The tour itself was fine, but the stress around the instructions made this not worth it.
Especially because we arrived with plenty of time to spare, we are all native English speakers and we followed written instructions very carefully. This was not on us.