This hotel has one great feature that I will get to in a minute!
The hotel is a little off the beaten path for San Francisco but we were here visiting our daughter and used the opportunity to explore some of the surrounding area so it was in a very good spot. This Courtyard is similar to most, no free breakfast, no free coffee and no vending machines on the separate room floors. The room we had was very functional and comfortable with plenty of space. I still struggle with a window air conditioner and a room that doesn't have a refrigerator but those were simple things to put up with. But for all it's little glitches it did have really good free Wi-Fi, plenty of parking and one killer app.....
This hotel has one terrific feature not found in any of the other Courtyards I've stayed in. It shares a parking lot with the Rite Aid. That's correct - A Rite Aid with the Ice Cream Gun! We had delicious ice cream served with that famous gun whenever we wanted! It's the reason we will stay at this hotel the next time we visit the Bay Area!