Not only is the food and drink astounding and unique, not only are the visuals and music captivating, but the people—servers, cooks, and chef—are so darned nice. They even arranged our transportation home knowing that New Year's Eve is a crazy night. There was so much food, I couldn't eat it all. Desserts where smoke (the remnants of CO2) comes out of one's nose like a dragon—and we loved it. Servers racing around the table while animated gummies raced on the walls reminded me of Alice and Wonderland's Caucus Race—the whole event has a Lewis Carrollian feel to it, down to astroturf on the table at one point, and later, animated table settings. Musical selections and visual displays were thematically tied to each course: this is truly food for thought. Each course demanded to be savored with eyes closed and then opened by table mates' squeals of delight by the smells (we were often invited to smell the offerings before plunging into them), sounds, and flavors of an incredible mixture of ingredients. The pageantry of the presentations, the adherence to consistent color spectrums, the mood setting—a picnic in an orchard, a '60's psychedelic trip, the lapping of the waves underneath a pier, ending with a Charlie Chaplin film where Chaplin cooks and eats his boot while his friend envisions Chaplin as a large chicken—all contribute to the overall theme of the ebb and flow of abundance: one (or two or three) succulent bite(s) of more than 20 courses are presented in a way to allow the participant to honor and appreciate the ability of food to sustain us and make us happy to be alive. I will return with my husband and others because this is not an experience to be found anywhere else in the world. Thank you Sascha and Paul and all the named servers at the end of the film (everyone gets credit! What a nice thought) for a remarkable night suitable to the end of my remarkable year of teaching college English in China. And thank you also for the lovely gift. You all deserve praise for taking a risk and doing something completely unique and fun and funny and moving and NICE!