We were 5 of us who booked two room there during Full moon party on 16 july and 17 july. When we entered the hotel we couldnt see any CCTV cameras in the corridors but we ignored the same . on 17th night (during full moon party ) when we people were out of room , the staff members stole money from our baggages . We kept our money inside the baggage which was difficult to find unless someone has watched u closely keeping it, so we suspect they have installed spy cams in room . on 17th evening before going to full moon party all of us have kept the money inside the bag and Locked the bags for security . whole night we were paertying out and on 18th afternoon we checked out for pattaya. When we reached pattaya we found the money from our bags were stolen . from all five of us. We reported the same to the Police station at pattaya and registered a Complain there . though we wont get our money back , But stil I recommend all the people not to go FOr SALAD BEACH RESORT....we are very sure that no one except them has done this job coz except for full moon party time we kept our bag with us. We even called up the management of hotel but due to language problem we couldnt fight with them clearly. I highly recommend Trip advisiors readers to Take care and better not to opt for SALAD BEACH RESORT. The room was booked in the name of Mitul.