Dear Aakash B,
Thank you for taking the time to write a review about your stay. It is with regret that we understand that you were dissatisfied with your stay. We understand that you had some issues with the WiFi during your stay, which is unfortunate as we are normally highly rated for the connection. As the phone system relies on the WiFi, this was the reason why the phone did not work. Our technician is currently looking into the matter. As for the odour from the bathroom, this is the downside of the complicated plumbing systems in Thailand as they do not install U-bends. We have seen some reviews of a similar nature in 5 star hotels in Pattaya and it is simply out of our control.
Regarding your food, we would like to know more about the particular items of food that you ordered and claim to be stale. We take pride in our food and attention to detail, but clearly we were not up to standards on your stay. We are truly sorry that your stay was compromised and we hope that you will give us the opportunity to welcome you again and a chance to serve you better in the future.
Customer Service Team