My fiancé and I did a private tour through the hilltribe villages of Mae Sariange. We had Piak (PK) as our tour guide for the day. He was a very thought provoking tour guide that has grown up in the villages all his life. We started the day by learning about sustainable agriculture (one of Piak's passions). Then we went to visit his family and got to meet his children. We brought some gifts for his children and spent an hour or so playing with his daughter and many of her friends. We ended up making an art project with the kids from the stickers and postcards we brought. It was really nice to be treated as members of the family and to see how grateful and useful the people in the villages are. It was a good lesson to see how anything can be put to use in the home. They are definitely not wasteful people. Then we explored a Shan community and had a very good lunch. On the way we happened to see a rocket launching festival and since we were interested we got to hang out and participate in the event for awhile. That was one of my favorite things about the tour. The schedule consistently changed as Piak came to understood you and your interests more. Afterwards we went to visit a Lisu village where our whole perception of a hilltbe was changed. We had come to think that many of the villages had no formal religion, but believed in spirits. However, Piak showed us how the reality was much more complicated. He talked to us about former Christian missionaries, and how many of the people believed in a combination of religions such as Christianity or Buddhism and superstitions. Our guide also enlightened us on the politics of Thailand, their school system, and the constant changes that are being made, and the changes that still need to be made. He was one of the most passionate and inspirational people we meet during our travels. He really has a dream for his country and his people and loves sharing it with others. Since Piak saw we had a love for children he made sure the family we stayed with overnight would suit our interests. He choose to bring us to a family that had three children. Since we are both teachers we loved teaching the children new games and looking at the work the children are doing at school. Cooking over the open fire in the home of the Lisu family was one of the most memorable moments for us and showed us how to make the most of family time. The whole experience really showed us how to be more useful of our environment and how to simplify your life for greater happiness. I only wish we could've made as much of an effect as the family made on us. If you want to take yourself out of your comfort zone and really learn about yourself and what's important than this company would be a great fit for you.