空港からまあまあ近い。大きな荷物がなければ徒歩圏。往復ドンムアン空港間シャトルバンが追加料金で利用可能。ドロップオフのバンはチェックイン時のみ予約が可能のため時間によってはいっぱいであることも。タクシー手配をしてくれるがラッシュ時間は早めにチェックアウトしたほうがよい。1階の部屋はバスルームが臭ったためおすすめしない。部屋は清潔。冷蔵庫は大きい。防音なし。スタッフは感じが良く、テキパキ。ホステル並みのシンプルな朝食。コスパ良し。Fairly close to the airport. Walkable distance if you don't have big luggage. Shuttle vans available to and from DMK for additional charges. The vans can be fully booked depending on the time b/c drop-off booking can be made only at the time of check in.They are happy to arrange a taxi but be sure to check out a little early if you leave during the rush hour. Avoid staying in a room on the 1st (ground) floor where the bathroom smells funky. The room was clean. Big fridge. No sound-proofing. The staff were nice and knew what they were doing. Hostel-grade simple breakfast. Good value for money.