Words can not begin to describe our feelings after such two great days spent visiting and experimenting Budapest and the Hungarian country side, in such a friendly way. Let us try to describe our 2 days tour: We (my husband and I) started the first day visit with a Trabant tour. Andras was waiting for us in our hotel, and our first impression was that he is very reliable, professional and well educated tourist guide. The young gentlemen who was providing the Trabant was very enthusiastic about his car, and we could see that he was taking much care and pride in maintaining the antique in good shape. We went to the castle and Andras explained us lots of interesting facts about the Hungarian history. After they took us to a tour around the city, and a stop in a very nice café which is an Art nouveau furniture museum at the same time. As an industrial designer, I found this visit quite interesting, to see all these different kinds of rare furniture. Then, Andras took us to his parent’s home, which was a lovely home located in a residential neighborhood. I found it nice to see how it looks like outside the city center. Andras’s parents made everything to make us feel like at home, and let me tell you how much we have eaten as if we were kings! I wish I could have seen Andras’s Mom cooking, so that to learn some of her secrets! After, Andras and his father brought us to Szentendre, where we visited the lovely village. Afterwards began some moments that I will never be able to forget! We went to a ceramic workshop in Szentendre and met with some very friendly people (Gabriella and Laszlo), who were patient enough to teach us the basics of pottery making; my husband and I both had the opportunity to try a ceramic piece of art each. It was such a sensual and technical experience! We had so much fun trying to do our ceramic piece! It is a pitty that we live so far away from Hungary as we both felt that we could become good friends with them! We ended our day with a private piano concert, in a famous pianist’s appartment, Mr. Fellegi. This was, in my opinion, a MAGIC moment, something I will still remember when I will be an old lady (!) It is hard to explain the feeling of being «inside» the music and not only listening to the classical music on a CD or the radio. Mr. Fellegi really made us feel comfortable and we were in the right atmosphere to enjoy the piano concert. The second day was even more unforgettable: Andras and his father took us to the city of Eztergom, we had the opportunity to cross the Danube to see Slovakia, and we also visit Hungary’s largest church, which is on top of a hill with a beautiful view on the Danube and Slovakia. We also had lunch in a great restaurant (here my husband will recommend the Transylvania soup that is incredibly tasteful and delicious!) We visited the country side and we ended our day in a vineyard. I believe this was my husband’s favorite part! The lady, Vali Hernyák took the time to explain us about her familly’s winery business and made us taste many different wines (all very - very nice!) We could see how much love she puts in her art and we very much appreciated the time she spent with us. We also had a plate of local home-made cold cuts and cheese (again, incredibly delicious with the last wine we have tasted). Again, and sorry for repeating myself! we felt that we could have become good friends with this lovely lady and husband as we share the same vision of work and life. Everyone we have met with Andras were friendly and warm in a genuine way. We feel that we have some friends now in Hungary and almost a familly there! Not only that, but we were never rushed through the events and location, giving ample time to enjoy the activities in a tailored fashion. Also Andras was very organised and everything run smoothly during the 2 days. Needless to say at this point that we highly recommand the personnal tour provided by Andras and let us tell you that it is worth every penny invested. Regards from Canada, Caroline and Françoys P.S. We read an other comment on this site that we can barely understand! The car that was supplied to do the tour was a Corolla in very good condition, and pretty recent. Why would some members of TripAdvisor use this site to put down in an exagerated way some facts? Opinions are opinions but facts should be based on reality, so that Trip Advisor can continue to be a reliable tool.