Enjoyed a nice meal and excellent entertainment here last Saturday night. Just a very relaxed... read more
Enjoyed a nice meal and excellent entertainment here last Saturday night. Just a very relaxed... read more
Really good show. Remember that this show is not at a major theatre, and the show should maybe be... read more
This was my second visit to Sam Power's show. The first, I was over awed by the show; so when I took my husband I felt I could be more aware of the tricks, but no, I was still overawed. I had daughters who did dancing so I loved the outfits the assistant wore and her performance. My husband cheered loudly and gave every appearance of enjoyment. I listened to comments around during the intermission and everyone was saying it was better than the magic show they saw in places overseas. I heard lots of conflicting views on how he did his tricks but no negatives views. The crowd were very loud in their approval of the show. I was touched that Sam was happy to take the time to have photos with us after the show.
Amazing, Sam Powers is so charismatic and entertaining, and very easy on the eye. His show was awesome, I have seen an Illusion show at a Casino in Las Vegas with tigers and it had nothing on Sam Powers. He has the whole crowd involved and spellbound by his act. Lovely to see him interacting with the crowd after his show. A dishy and tallented yound man! Go see the show!!!!
Went and saw Sam Powers perfom at the Casino.
I found the show very entertaining and Sam Powers was great at captivating the audience.
Worth the experience, the last "Illusion" is AMAZING - I'm still sure it's impossible - get along and check it out for yourself and you decide :-)
Went to see Sam Powers perform at the Casino. The show is well polished, and done with enthusiasm. The show consists of 6 big illusions and several card tricks and slight of hand to fill in the spaces. All the illusions are done perfectly and with great care. The show was an overall great performance which kept the adults laughing and the kids enthralled. And remember "the more you drink, the better the show looks". Enjoy :)
Last night I was lucky enough to atttend the Xtreme Illusions show staring Sam Powers. I found the show really entertaining and would reccommend it to everyone. Sam Powers was really charming and connected well with the audience. I found his humour hilarious and not crude as previously stated. I also thought the illusions and tricks were fantastic! So many of them have left my friends and I guessing all day. 24 hours later and we are still talking about how Sam did them! Magic! If you are looking for a fun night out with your partner or friends I really reccommend this amazing show!
I love this show. I live locally and I take all my visitors to see the Extreme Illusions show, including last night. Again, it was a fabulous night's entertainment, which my guests thoroughly enjoyed. Last night, my guests ranged in age from in their 20's to in their 60's, and all of them were totally captivated! The illusions were fabulous (After watching the show several times I still have no idea how he does it!), the dancers are gorgeous, and Sam is so funny!! All of my group were laughing so much, as was everyone else in the audience. At the close of the show, Sam & his dancer race up the stairs and take the time to personally greet every audience member, shake their hands, and pose for endless photos. They must be so tired after performing such an energetic show, but they stand there and charmingly greet every single guest, making everyone feel special. An absolute must-do for your night-time Cairns entertainment!