If you are a car person, history person or just like to look at older unique car this place is a must. It is as amazing collection with cars from as far back as basically to the origin around 1887. They have a wonderful collection of rare cars including: a ton over very early cars based for example on carriages; early 1930's electric cars, steam cars, coal burning cars, early motor cycles, Le Mans winning card, cars that were in the movies or owned by movie stars, cars owned by royalty, all type of racing cars, etc. They seem to focus on earlier rare cars that had a place in history mainly in the evolution of the industry. It is amazing that incredible variety of cars and "experiments" made long the way as the industry evolved.
The museum is hugh and very nicely laid out. They seemed to spare no expense. Even the cafe is a large lookl aid out with all type of pho old store fronts such as an alchemist, toy car store, etc. It are 3 floors of mainly cars but they also mix in car painting, statues, car accessories, gadgets, etc.
We spent 6 hour exploring the museum and we rushed through about 40% of it because of time. The have great signage in all the exhibits with good detail. It only took us about 15 minutes ($2.20 euro) to get there by bus from Den Haag Central station. If you have any interest at all I would definitely say GO!!