it was so pleasant to ride the bike around the city in the most famous places. The only thing i would do differently is to do it right when you get to Rome to have an overview of the city then you can pick the places you want to do tours inside. My guide was really nice (I would say his name is Claudio, not sure, longer hair) shared a lot of information in everyplace we visited. Since it was just me, my godmother and the guide, we stopped to go inside a couple of churches, Pantheon, take pics, etc. It was the first day that they were in the new office location, all the staff were really nice and even the owner of Fat Tire was there and was really nice. The traffic in Rome is crazy but we go through safer places and the guide make sure everything is good, they have helmets available. My godmother had knee surgery 3 weeks before and the tour was totally fine, no uphill places. One thing that I gave as a sugestion after the tour is that we all should have an audio piece, because sometimes he wants to say something and its windy or in the middle of traffic and it can be missed. Thank you guys so much!