Great place to be in scotland we found the watersports beach by accident during 2020 and weve waited to get back since to camp nearby to wake up to the stunning scenery, looking online at the legalities of this all was set, looked it up and planned to stay 2-3nights as it was my girlfriends birthday, packed the car up (448miles) and we set off arrived about 5.30/6pm settting the tent up to have a lady walking around to inform us that it was only a one night stay due to the area being overwhelmed by people although it saying 3nights online and then move to not ruin wildlife, not mentioning a tri-athalon going on overnight from 12-7am, which was ok, woken up by supporters shouting to then have someone from the ( on theyre jumper to say we had to be off within an hour, with nowhere really planned to stay we ended up panicking and booking a nearby hotel for £219!! Lucky this wasnt a budget getaway! Would love to stay again but its a bit disappointing it wasnt on the website beforehand for me to plan other arrangements, it was a great stay and lovely views