We were immediately greeted by two highly entertaining, motivated and informative pirates who took us all to get kitted out in pirate attire. Then a lesson in sword fighting, showing us how to attack and defend using the swords. Then a competition, me V the hubby and our kids V each other..... I lost against the hubby and got my head chopped off. Then it was back onto the ship to learn how to load and fire the cannons, with lots of fun facts to blow your minds. There was a team competition on who could fire their cannon the quickest, the hubby won this too!!!! Then after all the hard work its time for a gin, tat and sing a long in the galley (gin is actually water). The two pirates i can't explain how great they were, worth their weight in pirate treasures and that is exactly what this place is too, a hidden treasure in London. It was our first visit to The Golden Hinde but we will be back again.