After reading mixed reviews, we thought we would give this the benefit of the doubt and give this a go for 5 nights in March, as we prefer to give our money to small family businesses rather than large faceless chains. Unfortunately we ended up leaving after two nights owing to a number of issues. The trip started well with a swift check in and being shown to our villa, albeit there was some pushing for us to purchase the $11 daily fee for internet in our room. We didn't and just walked a few steps to Viola's restaurant, not feeling a desperate need to have the internet in our room during the night.... Quite a comfortable bed, lots of towels and toiletries so not too bad. However, the banging and crashing on the roof then started at 8am which was somewhat surprising as the hotel had not written to us and warned us of this, so we assumed it must be some sort of massive emergency which would have necessitated this. We asked reception how long this would go on for and were told 'days'. When we expressed surprise that we hadn't been told about this in advance of our trip to give us an opportunity to cancel and book somewhere else, as this looked like fairly major works, we were told by the remarkably surly receptionist, and then then the manager, that this was not planned and was a surprise. Given that we arrived at 8pm on Saturday night, I am unsure how suddenly by Sunday morning a major air conditioning repair job could have arisen, but still. We were then told that Hurricane Matthew had caused all the problems and it was out of their control and completely unexpected. Fair enough you would think if Hurricane Matthew was last week, but it was in fact last September, 6 months ago. The One and Only shut for a few months to re-fit and repair and make sure everything was back in order before opening to guests. So we couldn't really make sense of these explanations. It felt like they did know about these works prior to our arrival, but didn't tell us and hoped they could work round the guests rather than losing money and offering them free cancellations. We were moved to another room which we were told was away from all the banging and crashing, but literally 5 minutes after we got in there and started to unpack the housekeeper appeared and said we had to move as the air conditioning didn't work and they couldn't allow us to stay there if it wasn't working. They then moved us back to a room along the front row, and put us in the room right next to the bar which had its own noise issues. Whilst unpacking some other guests appeared at the door and asked if we were in this room, as they had been told that they were being moved to it as the air conditioning wasn't working in their room. They had spent a night sweating and not sleeping as they were so hot. The whole thing was a complete joke (albeit not a very funny one on our holiday, having flown from the UK and quite wanting to relax and rest on our holiday, not spent it packing and re-packing all our stuff up three times) and just smacked of them trying to keep the guests in to make money and not dealing properly with the clearly major problems. We spent one night in this villa being kept awake periodically, ironically by the air conditioning which was so loud, clicking on and off, and when ours wasn't on, we could hear the one next door clicking on and off as the walls were so thin. Coupled with the room only having one curtain (the other having been removed for some reason and no one bothering to replace it) it was a pretty poor night's sleep- see photos. The next morning we asked for a refund of the previous night and said that we would be leaving and did not expect to be charged for the next nights. The manager grudgingly agreed to this. No apology for all the inconvenience we had been put to, and when I raised the issue of the missing curtain, I was told 'that's how our curtains are here!' It reminded me of Fawlty Towers. We left in disgust and moved to The Cove, which was absolutely fantastic and well worth the money for 2 of our precious 20 days a year holiday. We slept very well there in comfortable beds and air con that worked..... And weren't treated like a complete inconvenience to the hotel but valued guests. Sadly, I would not recommend this hotel or its staff and would not return. I do not expect to be treated like that on holiday, and for the price which is not exactly cheap I expect better rooms and service.