this was the best Club med trip we ever had. Yes the food was good, activities and night entertainment of high quality, the site of quality , but the best of all is the chance to live a Club Med life to the fullest. CM's objective is to facilitate conviviality and meeting new people. and YES we had the chance. Being French Canadian, we met a French vacationer the first night , but after one week the group grew to 12 + people from France, Switzerland, Italy. We became great friends and we spend everyday together, this was gorgeous. Furthermore, we became magnets to the GOs who asked us to have dinner with us. and YES it was fun.
Being from North America, we tend to forget that Club Med was developed with the sole purpose to bring people together and create friendships, and this time that was the case.
a special thank you to Pierre Jean (chef de village), Yoni and Alex . You guys made our trip unforgettable
Lina et Ramy