I simply cannot believe that a brand like Virgin Airlines would ever want any one of their customers, (let alone their poor staff), to be housed at this bug-riddled piece of guano. And now, suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder from my experience at this hotel, this is what I have to say...
I never wanted to stay at this hotel, and I never will again, but after Virgin cancelled our flight home (at 10.45 pm), I joined 60 other disappointed customers who were herded onto a bus and unceremoniously dumped at the the entrance to the Royal Phuket Hotel.
And then the fun began.
After handling my own luggage through the lobby and getting my room card, I took the elevator to the 12th floor. The moment the door opened, my mouth did too!
The carpets were ripped and worn, the wall paper and paint was flaking, the stench of cigarettes worthy of an old pub. And upon entering my room, I knew I was in for an experience worthy of hotel hell because this was not much better either.
Armed with my camera, I immediately checked the bathroom, which might as well have been a public toilet in Chernobyl since the cockroaches were having a ball in the bath and the ants pouring out of the sink overflow. The enamel was chipped in the bath tub, mould was all over the shower tiles, and the pink grouting (lovely!) like dried bubble gum lines. Horrible is a nice way to describe my 'Soviet' experience!
I headed immediately for the bar downstairs and was forced to endure a 60 year old Japanese man in full karaoke mode singing songs that sounded like a cat going through a blender. I was then told I couldn't put my drink on the room tab (because we were the evil Virgin customers that had got off the bus and were obviously not going to pay for anything!). The list goes on; uncaring and inattentive staff etc.
Honestly, the website for this hotel is totally misleading with doctored, photo-shopped pictures that bear little resemblance to the hell you will face if you stay there. One consolation was the food in the lower restaurant. I did have a "nice" fried rice something for dinner. However, breakfast on the 19th floor was repulsive.
My parting view is that this hotel is abused by airlines who cancel passengers as I can see no reason why anyone would stay there.