Dear Gibson,
We note your sentiment regarding the case of lost and found item (In this case, money). As an entity, we value your feedback and your satisfaction while at Travellers Beach Hotel is our ultimate goal. We empathize with you regarding the situation in question which we think was caused by the need to get the function venue on time hence placing the money on the table.
In as much it isn't in order for our staff to conclude that you had hid the money, we also have a disclaimer that alludes to the fact that all valuables including money should be kept in safes that are provided free of charge in our rooms and you should have used that facility for the purpose intended. We have also noted that the money was found during the search conducted by our staff after you raised the complain. It was within this search that you got the money meaning that you knew where the money was from the word go. Once the money was gotten,and to protect the hotel from further claim, you were requested to write a statement confirming that you had gotten the money. This is a general practice anywhere else. Kindly note that it was entirely in your control that money was misplaced and not as earlier thought and reported by yourself.
If in the process of confirming all these you got a sense of disrespect from any of our staff, we apologize.