nupekidd, I'm not sure you understand the meaning or usefulness of "casino credit".
Often times, it's not feasible or desirable to carry thousands of dollars worth of cash in your pocket for your entire trip, and ATM limits can be a problem. For example, my bank account has a $1200/day limit on cash at ATMs. If I'd like to play with a larger bankroll, casino credit is a much easier way to deal with it -- I can take my entire trip's bankroll out at once. If I have made a profit for the trip I can pay it off and my bank account has never been touched; if I lose it all, I pay it off out of my bank account at the end of the trip. No hitting the ATM at 12:01 each day.
The only time casino credit can be useful with regards to comps is if you're booking through a host that is unfamiliar with your play. If you're willing (and able) to open a credit line of $10,000 at the host's casino before your trip, I've found that they're more willing to take the risk on comping you up front. (If you cash out the casino credit and use it elsewhere and don't gamble, you may end up paying for more than you think, and you will definitely have burned a bridge.)
Edited: 12 years ago