When planning our trip to the Veneto to visit Palladian villas, we were looking for a guide and we found a good recommandation for Roberta Parlato in a previous forum. Her website is: www.robertaparlato.com. I am now writing to say that our trip was very successful due to her efforts. I wanted to see all of the standing Palladian Villas within the period of one week, with time in the middle for a few days at the Villa Saraceno. Given the fact that opening times vary and some villas are in private ownership, organizing this -- plus a tour of the Palladian sites in Vicenza -- was not an easy task. Roberta did a wonderful job of putting the tour together, so that we could conveniently see everything we wanted to see. She is an authority on Palladio, and has all of the personal contacts required to arrange visits to the private and public villas. In addition to Palladio, she is very knowledgeable about art and architectural history in general. And she made some very fine restaurant recommendations as well! Do not miss a chance to tour with her.