Going places
The Ottawa Citizen May 29, 2010 7:13 AM
A Taste of ... Anguilla
What is it? Hungry's Lunch Truck
Where is it? The Valley [Across the road from the Catholic Church, or south of the post office, or north of The Valley Bistro]
Describe it: Feasting your eyes on Anguilla's shocking turquoise beaches is free. Feasting anywhere else will cost you an arm and a leg.* The small island off St. Maarten (population: 13,000) has a reputation for fine -- but costly -- cuisine. To save a few bucks, do as the locals do and visit Hungry's Lunch Truck in The Valley. Owner Irad Gumbs, a professional chef, serves a host of Anguillian specialty soups such as whelk, conch and pea with pig tail. The humble truck also whips up salads, pastas and quesadillas you won't find at Taco Bell ... lobster in a tortilla, anyone?
How much? $5 U.S. for a bowl of soup, $14 U.S. for a lobster quesadilla.
Reb Stevenson, for the Ottawa Citizen
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*Anguilla has plenty of inexpensive places to eat, but "Irad's," as it's commonly known, or sometimes "Ratty's," is by far the best for high quality food. Lunch only, and only on normal workdays. "Professional chef" is an overworked term here, but Irad really is, and was also the Food & Beverage Manager at Cap Juluca.
Irad's is one of those special things we discover in Anguilla, like Little Bay or Bankie's music or sunset at the Malliouhana bar or Mabel's soup or the colour of the water as you come over the last hill on the way to Shoal Bay.