Don't even bother to sit through and listen to their timeshare or membership presentation. We though we were well informed, asked questions and yet, we were (still) duped into this farce of what they call a timeshare. First, you are not buy into a deeded property, it is (as they admit) a membership - and a very expensive membership it is. Bottom line, they throw every obstacle that limits or prohibits your use of the unit/property. There is never an availability: they need more notice or you need more points, or their computer is down, or you're on hold for 45-minutes and when you do get the timeframe you want, it is at a greater price (more than the open market pricing) and points.
Further, you don't receive membership package that will enable you to verify what you bought until 4-months after you return to your country only to find out the contract form in itself is non compliant with the Mexican Profeco ( governmental agency oversees timeshares and contracts). Our first clue that we were duped was the difference in the percentage rate on the contract and the billing statement. The contract is written English and the money is collected in the US (Arizona to be exact) and yet they gave us the excuse about their Mexican percentage system and the conversion difference. Second, we were never able to make a reservation on the dates we wanted. Then, when we did find an availability, they gave us pricing for an additional $900, and that is on top of what we pay monthly. It was our understanding, the maintenance fee of $465 per week was the only fee. You're better off buying hotel rooms through other travel websites.
There is a cancellation clause in the agreement, and when we opted to cancel, they sent us to collection and illegally posted derogative credit reports to the agencies. Who does that? Criminals and scam artists that's who.