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The Monument of Stevan Sremac and Kalca (aearafa, Aug 2018)
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niska tvrdjava (CIRA, Jun 2008)
Nis Fortress
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Photo of Nis, Central Serbia (Mar 2024)
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Photo of Nis, Central Serbia (Sep 2022)
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Pridružite se jednoj od najdramatičnijih bitaka u sprskoj istoriji i borite se protiv osmanlijske vojske. Iskoristite priliku da budete vojvoda Stevan Sinđelić i vodite srpsku vojsku u boj koristeći najnoviju tehnologiju proširene realnosti. Join one of the most dramatic battles in Serbian history and fight the Ottoman army! You have the opportunity to put yourself in the shoes of Commander Stevan Sindelic and join the battlefield in augmented reality! (5mZabava, Sep 2022)