Dear Elizabeth, thank you very much for your precious suggestions. About the locks and towels you are giving us a nice and fast suggestion and we will provide immediately. The shower glasses are on the way and they will be installed soon because we are remodeling all the rooms. Take credit cards and make the external road are not so easy. About the credit cards because the large cost and missing fixed phone line in the whole area. We tried in the past by an internet POS but on the reception the signal is weak, sometime is missing too, so we stopped the service to avoid clients disappointment and embarace about unworking service. The external road maybe could scare clients who arrive in the late night but the place is safe and it is a public road, so it is not so easy to make it better. This is the reason we will ask about the arrival time, so we could put hotel empolyees on the main road to accompain clients who arrive in the late night till the hotel. We use to go outside at any time without problems, night and day, but of course it is a bit different for first time people at the hotel. Thank you again!