Dear David G, Thank you very much for sharing such a detailed review with other readers of TripAdvisor. I am delighted to read that you enjoyed your stay at the Hilton Frankfurt Airport. Rest assured that i have shared your compliments with the team, they really do deserve praise. We have a very young and dedicated team, always eager to serve our geusts efficiently yet also with the light and warmth of hospitality. Frankfurt Airport is surrounded by the beautiful city forest, which is great for a walk. Just ask at reception and we will help with directiony if you wish to go for a walk. The regional train will take you downtown in less than 20 minutes. 1 stop to the soccer stadium, 3 stops to the main station and 5 to "Hauptwache" which is indeed the center of the city. I regret that you had trouble at the driveway, rest assured we are continuously working on having this area cleared, as indeed the space is often taken up by non residents. Our suggestion is to just drive on a little further and you will find the entrance to our hotel parking. From there is is easy to unload luggage, take the elevator to the lobby and you are there, ready to check in. We have both kind of guest rooms, some that face into the atrium of the hotel, others overlook the outside of the building. During your next visit we must ensure we allocate an outside view for you. As you mentioned however, all rooms are equally quiet, and a good rest is guaranteed. David G, I hope you had a pleasant onward journey and we look forward to your next visit. Kind regards, RBitzer