My daughter and I did a Ghost Hunt on Saturday 1/4.. Quinn was our host and leader. This was a legitimate GHOST HUNT! He had all the gear, a ton of knowledge, stories, and expertise in the field to make this a very memorable experience for the both of us. My daughter and I have participated in Ghost Hunts before, but upon entering this house and meeting Quinn, we felt as thought we were stepping onto a TV show set. It was awesome!!
We caught several EVP’s.. One EVP was unlike anything I’ve ever heard in person.. We heard disembodied voices in real time, saw a few shadow figures, got intelligent responses from the gear that was set up and even connected with a few ghost pets..
The house “came alive” .. It was scary and exciting in the best way.
I highly recommend this to anyone that would like a true ghost hunting experience. We can’t wait to go back!