We attended a showing of The Adventures of Princess Truheart at the Delaware Children's Theatre one Saturday afternoon. This was our second time seeing a play here. When we arrived, the theatre was pretty empty, which was a big difference as compared to our first visit here. I'm guessing it was because this was an ORIGINIAL play instead of a well-known headline show. We sat near the front in the center section. We also chose to sit on the end as the performers go up and down the aisles during the show. The kids find this exciting!
The show started promptly and on time. Halfway through the show, there is an intermission to allow you to get up to stretch your legs, use the restroom and get a snack/souvenir. This showing only offered snacks like bagged pretzels and snack packs of Oreos. They also sell bottled water, juice pouches and canned sodas. We were a little disappointed that they did NOT have cupcakes this time. We were a little shocked that they did NOT have Unicorn or rainbow colored icing cupcakes since the play contained a Unicorn, Prancy, with a rainbow mane. Also, the toys offered up for souvenirs were heart shaped necklaces and stuffed frogs. They also missed the mark on toy souvenirs. Most of the stuff seems like items ordered from the trading supplies magazine OR from the local dollar store. I would like to see better quality merchandise that is theme appropriate for the actual play. Unicorn or princess headbands, stuffed unicorn toys, fairy wings, etc. would have been good selections for this play since ONE of the characters was a Unicorn and others were princesses/fairies. They missed the mark. I personally think they could do a much better job on concessions and sales in general. During this time you can also purchase raffle tickets for the basket they are raffling off. This time it was a basket full of plush animals. After about a 10-15 minute break, the show resumes for the second half.
After the second half of the show, the cast can briefly be found in the concession space. Here they do sort of a meet & greet with the kids. They take photos and sign autographs. Of course the kids loved meeting the princesses (Snow White and Cinderella) and Prancy, the unicorn pony. Princess Tru, Queen Beatrix and Prancy were very gracious and kind in meeting with the children.
Overall, we enjoyed our visit with this theatre. The shows we have seen have been well done. This show in particular was very cute, humorous at times and had a good life lesson/message. It was sort of like a mash-up of princess shows and the Wizard of Oz, but a truly original play. All of the actors did a great job, but I really thought the Great Zabraca (Michael Hynson) really stood out in this play. His performance was amazing. Stumbelina (Kristina Williams) and Prancy (Emily Woznicki) both had amazing voices in song. The kids loved it & were amazed with the confetti shower at the end!!
Bottom Line: Great Theatre to take the kids for an afternoon show. Place could use some general repairs and better concessions/souvenirs. Plan to spend about 1 & 1/2 to just under 2 hours here from arrival to meet & greet. I would recommend for families with small children. The kids will love it!