Qian Xuesen was the father of the Chinese ballistic missile and space program. This museum commemorates his life and work. After graduating from Shanghai Jiaotong university, Mr. Qian studied at MIT for his master's degree, and at Cal Tech for his PhD. He had a truly formidable intellect. After new China was established in 1949 Mr. Qian, who was in the US and who was leading the Guggenheim Institute of Aeronautics at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, began asking to return home to his motherland in 1950. The US, which was deep in McCarthyism and complete fear of communism, delayed Mr. Qian's return to China for 5 long years. This man's work and life is amazing. The museum is less than a kilometer from the residence of Soong Chingling. I highly recommend that you see them both in a morning or afternoon.