This is the easternmost of three famous UNESCO World Heritage Buddhist temples arrayed along a single road on the north side of Kyoto, about 1.5 (?) miles apart. Plan to see them all. There are similarities but each has a unique feature that you won't want to miss. Kinkakuji is the one that has the big taxi and bus lot and easiest to access via Uber or taxi. I would recommend starting here, then walking west to Ryoanji (about 25 min) and then continuing west to Ninnaji (about 10 mins). Seeing all three at a non-rushed pace will take you half a day.
You enter the temple grounds, pay your admission fee, and then follow the walking path that winds through the grounds. Do not try to split off the path! The big draw of Kinkakuji is the Golden Pavilion, which you cannot go into but the set walking route takes you around 3 sides of it. The rest of the walk takes you around the lovely part-manicured, part-wild and very aesthetic grounds and past various buildings, which you cannot go into either. But there are opportunities all around to purchase votives and leave them at the many open air small shrines. There are easily located restrooms.
I feel that because of the easy access for tour buses this will be the most heavily touristed one of the three for you, as it was for us, so prepare for the crowds and none of them will be locals (although they will be Japanese tourists). Lots of Westerners who love this particular aesthetic.