The Terracotta Xian tour with 2 other optional destinations in China was a very memorable one. It was made possible with the help of our guide, Julia Zhang. Our first impression of her was that she looked more like a teacher because of the way she stood up- always straight. And her manner of speaking was straight forward and almost business-like. But, as time progressed, we got to know the real Julia- kind and always helpful. She was very patient as she always waited for our companion who always had to rest because of the long walk. We were also impressed with Julia's mastery of English. We thought she studied the language in some Western English speaking country; she studied it in China. When we were having a difficult time conversing in the restaurants and souvenir shops, Julia always came to our rescue. As for the Terracotta, Golden Goose Pagoda and Xian Walls tour- all of them were amazing! Thanks to Julia's extensive knowledge of the Qin dynasty- the time when all those places were built by other than, China's 1st emperor- Shi Huang Ti. We would also like to thank our operator, Catherine Lu and driver, Lee. Without them, our memorable Xian experience would not have been made possible. Xiexie, xiexie!