I am writing this review to anyone willing to read. To the young girls out there please BE AWARE. My younger sister and I were SEXUALLY ASSAULTED by the Arianny International Shuttle Bus driver (He is the only driver for the shuttle on this resort and its is the only white shuttle bus with soft cotton seats on this resort). THIS HAPPENED WEDNESDAY JULY 7TH 2021 AROUND 10PM/10:30PM.
My sister, cousin, aunt, and I were walking back from the Colosseum (to our Crown Residents rooms) after their international show. Which is when the Arianny shuttle bus pulled over and allowed us to get on. At the time the shuttle was full so my aunt and cousin sat at the back of the bus while my sister and I had to sit at the front of the bus -there are two individual seats next to the bus driver. I sat directly across the driver and my sister sat behind me. As the ride continued and everyone eventually got off the bus, my sister, cousin, aunt, and I were the only ones left on the bus. When we reached our stop and my aunt and cousin get off the bus first. My sister and I being directly in the front seats across from the driver we have to climb over the center where the drivers tip money was. In that time my sister climbs over and the bus driver grabs her hand. He starts telling her something in Spanish that she can't understand, then in English he says "You are beautiful" (at this time he makes a sexual hand gesture in my sisters palm and she immediately yanks free and runs off the bus, I didn't know this happened I just knew she pulled her hand away and got off the bus thinking I was directly behind her). As it was my turn to climb over the tip money in the center of the bus the driver grabs my left arm with both of his hands (one of his hands was on my wrist and the other grabbing my elbow). He starts speaking in Spanish and I don't understand what he's saying then in English he says "Kiss me" and I shook my head and said no. So I yank my hand away and he yanks it back then he swiftly turns around and presses a few buttons on the dashboard and the lights on the bus go out (at this time I didn't even realize he had let go of my elbow -and only one of his hands was grabbing onto my wrist- I could've possibly turned around and ran away). However with the lights off he re-grabs my elbow (with his other hand already grabbing my wrist) and says "Kiss me" again, and I say no which is when he starts aggressively kissing up my hand. Which is when I yanked my arm free and ran off the bus. I didn't turn around to see if his bus was still there, everything happened so fast I didn't know what to do other than tell my Aunt, cousin, and younger sister about the situation -since they were standing outside the bus on the curb the whole time- this is when my sister told me what he did to her. The next day July 8, we decided to confront him when we saw his shuttle was outside of Casablanca. At that time he was waiving and smiling at my sister and I like nothing was wrong (he had definitely done this before, because he was way too comfortable). Because he doesn't speak much English I called over the bell hopper to help us out. My aunt spoke with the bell hopper and the bus driver. I was sitting on a bench while my sister and cousin sat at a nearby golf cart. When the conversation finished, the bus driver said he would apologize. I stood up thinking he would start with me. However he passed me and walked over to the golf cart where my sister and cousin were sitting. I couldn't hear what he was saying because my mind was running wild. After his "apology" to my sister he just walked right onto his bus. Never saying anything to me. On Friday July 9th he even started driving frequently passed the Crown Residents waving and smiling whenever he saw us. I kept telling my self the rest of the day to not let this incident ruin my happiness, however that was no apology and his mannerisms show that he's done this before. So the next morning July 10 I reported him to the hotel. I'm back in the States (July 11) the resort has told me that its 'under investigation'.