One to check off the bucket list!
Simone and has captain were top notch!
My wife and I went on a private excursion with Tohora Bora Bora, owned and operated by Simone. Simone and his captain came to pick us up bright and earlier , at 8:00 AM. From there Simon briefed us on the whales, from the history of swimming with them, to how to spot them in the deep blue. He is very passionate about the ocean and all its inhabitants. You could tell it from beginning to end.
After our briefing we began our search. It took about an hour, but out of no where, 2,000 feet in the distance, a humpback jumped almost completely out of the water! From there we proceeded slowly to where they were. Based on the whales continuing to surface, Simon was sure there were at least two, maybe three.
Simone climbed into the water first to search. Once he found them he waived for us to swim over to him. The water was a little to choppy for my wife. She stayed on the boat, but I climbed in. Once I got over to Simone, I peered down into the water with my mask. About 50 feet down you could see the white of their fins.
After a couple of minutes, they began to slowly surface. It was two, not three whales. As they got closer, you could make them out more and more, until they got within 15 feet of us. From there they swam in front of us and surfaced about 15 feet away from us, and with a flick of their tails they were gone.
We were able to follow them in the boat for a little while longer, but I didn’t get another chance to swim with them.
It was a rather short experience, but one I’ll never forget. To get within even 15 feet of these beautiful 40 ton creatures, in their home, was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever done!
Simone was top notch and I can’t recommend him enough. You won’t regret it.