In the words of Tuco Salamanca this bike tour offered by Routes is "tight, tight, tight". Heather and Josh lead our bike tour of the popular show Breaking Bad. There are actually five offerings of this tour but my wife and I only were in the ABQ for one day so we could do one of the tours.
Our tour was "Walts descent", which focused on Walts transition from chemistry teacher to well... you know, Heisenberg. The other tours focus on other characters; Jesse, Mike, and Hank.
From the beginning our tour guides focused on safety and comfort. They sized us up for bikes, gave us helmets, and discussed safety ideals as we cruised through the city. I had initial concerns about biking in the city but ABQ is a very bike friendly town and our tour guides took care of us. It was a relief to see such concern about safety.
The tour lasts about 2.5 hours and I don't want to give away any spoilers but at each stop was discussion about the location we were at. The only spoiler I have is that Heather and Josh are die hard fans of the show and really delve into character development. It's great to learn some of the psychology of the show from the tour guides as well as why this or that scene was selected by the writers of the show.
A true review should have negatives as well as positives, even though I'm hesitant that people might dwell on these and miss out on a great experience, so here it is the big negative. if you are only superficially aware of the show or you have watched the show only casually then my guess is that you will not enjoy 2.5 hours of slow biking and in depth discussion about a "tv show". You might like the discussion surrounding the architecture and history of ABQ but that might be the extent of your enjoyment.
For myself, a die hard fan and foreigner to ABQ, I would have to say that I walked away with a memorable experience that I will not soon forget. Also, Heather and Josh throw in a few goodies on the way out the door that are hilarious and well thought out. Muchos Gracis Heather and Josh.