My first 1 star, everyone will read this due to human nature to see why I received a one star, I would if I was thinking of booking, just out of curiosity. Julie if you really feel this was a one star tour, contact me and I will give you a Full Refund and I will pay for you to take another Seattle city bus tour. I know for a FACT you saw Pioneer Square, Downtown Seattle, floating houses on Lake Union, Amazon Spheres, Century Link Field, Fremont Troll, Ballard Locks, Lenin Statue in Fremont, Space Needle, Pixar Up House in Ballard, Museum of Pop Culture, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Waterfall Garden Park, Queen Anne Neighborhood, Occidental Park, Kerry Park, House Boats, Smith Tower and, complimentary bottle water, your tour was more than 2 hours, it was probably 2 hours, 25 minutes. I went everywhere I promised in my brochure.
You even laughed according to your review and was entertained (mildly), however, I appreciate the review, so I will step my game up even more, if that is possible.
I am NOT kidding about the refund email me at: and I promise to refund your money. Pick another tour if you are in Seattle and I will arrange the transport for you. My Theatre (spelled that way intentionally) professor told me if you believe the good reviews you must believe the bad also. I appreciate your review, and with all sincerity contact me for a refund! All the best. Earl