My wife and I have done many Segway tours on various islands over the years, and this was the most disappointing experience we have had yet. If you are an older person or are nervous about riding a Segway, this may be a perfect tour for you. They take a lot of time to train you on the Segway, take you through a training course in the parking lot, and they go very slow and make a lot of stops during the tour. If that is what you are looking for, this is for you.
However, if you are like me and my wife, and just want to ride fast and see cool things, this is not for you.
1. We did a 2 hour tour and spent the first 10 minutes watching a training video, followed by 20 minutes of doing the training course in the parking lot. That counted as part of the 2 hours!!!
2. When they do the training course, they do one person at a time. We were a group of 6 people and I was the last to get on. So I sat there for about 10 minutes just waiting while he showed people how to ride the Segway. At a minimum, I could have been riding around the parking lot. Not ideal either, but better than literally standing there. At all other tours I've done, everyone just hops on the Segway and goes.
3. Riding a Segway is really intuitive. All the videos and training really are overkill and a waste of time. Again, maybe not if you are really nervous or are an older person. But for us, it was. Maybe they need to group people by comfort level or experience or something.
4. During the training, I thought the guide was pretty rude to people, especially the ones who were uncomfortable or not great riders. During the course, they had these dots you needed to go in and out of, and he acted like riding over one was life or death.
5. When we finally got out on the road for the tour, it was so slow. The main problem is the area you are riding through. Lahaina is very busy and we had to ride very slow and stop frequently for people. On top of that, we would stop in places which were not at all interesting, such as the Lahaina prison. We would get off the segways for 10 minutes just to see these really bad landmarks. So boring and just more time off the Segway, when as I mentioned, we already spent a bunch of time not on the Segway during training time.
6. You never get a chance to just let lose and ride fast, at all.
7. We didn't realize you needed to be there 30 minutes early. We planned our drive to make sure we got there 15 minutes early. Our mistake. However, the woman on the phone who called us when we were not there 30 minutes early was INCREDIBLY RUDE. We paid a lot of money for this 2 hour tour (which ended up being maybe 45 minutes of actual riding), and it was completely unprofessional. Especially when there is not really anything that needs to be done in advance other than signing a waiver which took 2 minutes. How could we have any idea they would want to show us a 10 minute training video which was a complete waste of time. For $300 tour for 2 people, I do not expect for someone to be rude to me over something so stupid, especially when I was still 15 minutes early.
8. For me personally, Lahaina was not an area I wanted to be in. There we bums and people who looked high/drunk, some of which were yelling profanity. It just was not a place I wanted to be. We don't have kids, but I would not have wanted to take them there if we did.
Overall, again, keep in mind what you are looking for when you read this review. If you want a slow/calm ride where you will feel very very safe, this is your tour. If you want to ride and have fun and see some cool things, this is not for you. I would not do again, and the 2 hour tour was definitely not worth the $140 per person i paid. I only give it a 2 because riding a Segway is fun no matter how bad the tour...