John, owner of Scotland's Wild has a challenge: he's given me such great Highland tours already that I always expect the next one to be even better. But he rose to it and more for my third one in September. For two weeks we toured an itinerary we developed together: starting from Glasgow with detours around Loch Fyne and to the island of Islay, we headed north to Mallaig, the port for the remote Isle of Eigg, stopping along the way at the Morar white sand beaches and loch. After a few days on Eigg came the Isle of Skye and the adjacent Raasay. (Scotland is THE place in western Europe for lovers of small islands.) We then rounded the spectacular top of Caithness and came down the coast on the eastern side, ending up near Aberdeen.
John solves logistical issues ahead of time, and knows how to give you, the visitor, exactly what you came to Scotland to experience. For our self-catering accommodation on Eigg, he brought all kinds of delicious food from Mallaig. He arranged for us to stay as the only guests at a beautiful country manor in Caithness normally open only to large groups (although like I did, he got lost a few times in this enjoyably spooky mansion :) . At a hillside castle near Cromarty, he tactfully avoided telling me about a "No visitors beyond this point" sign that I had overlooked, so I could keep on exploring the lovely garden. He was also very helpful with arangements for the Covid testing I needed right after arrival and shortly before departure.
For friendliness, thoroughness, efficiency and knowledge, John really leaves little to be desired. He will ensure that you savor your own special slice of Scotland.