My wife and I recently visited Chicago from Canada. While in Chicago, we participated in two of your segway tours the Hyde Park Tour and the Fireworks Segway Tour. I am commenting on the Fireworks Tour specifically as we left that tour pretty disappointed. We actually spoke to the tour guide, Anthony regarding our feelings on the tour. It was a good discussion, I think everyone involve was pretty mature during the discussion!
When we signed up for the Fireworks Segway Tour, we anticipated having the opportunity viewing the fireworks that would be on display that night. As advertised on your website, the fireworks display would be viewed from a secret spot featuring one of the best views in Chicago. I think time management (unfortunately not very good in this instance) for the leader of the tour came into play here. We were at a particular point on the tour (not the secret location) when the fireworks commenced. We were stopped very briefly, maybe a minute to watch. Then we resumed our progress towards the secret spot while the fireworks continued to be launched. During our journey to the secret spot (unknown to me that we were not yet at the secret spot), I hustled up the front of the line to chat with Anthony...I asked him "how come we are not going to watch the fireworks?" Anthony replied that he was taking us to the secret location and that the fireworks are about 40 minutes in length, thus there would be plenty of time to watch them. Well about 10 minutes later we reached the secret location. And approximately 2 minutes later, the fireworks ended. The entire fireworks show was actually only 15 minutes, and we were able to see 2 minutes of it. My wife and I were very disappointed to say the least.
We continued on with our segway tour, seeing various sites including the Soldier Field, Field Museum. There were several enjoyable moments, and some great views of the city. We had pretty much put the missing of the fireworks behind us. And then we reached the Buckingham Fountain. It was a plan of ours to Chicago to see the Fountain at night with all the lights. During our week long stay in Chicago, we did not go the the Fountain at night as we knew we would be seeing the Fountain at night on our last night (June 20th) during this tour. Well we get to the Fountain and everything is dark. Other tourists are packing up and leaving the Fountain. I asked another tourist, "when did the light show end?" They replied that it ended about 10 minutes earlier. We missed the show...
Once again, we were disappointed. The Bike and Roll Segway tour did not provide what was expected/described by your website and by the Bike and Roll representative we talked to. As I mentioned there were still some enjoyable moments on this tour. Anthony showed us some great sites. However, 2 key sites were missed. We really think the time was not managed very well, and the tour suffered as a result. We are not upset or mad at Anthony. We are just extremely disappointed we missed out on the fireworks and Buckingham Fountain.
I since emailed Bike and Roll to express my disappointment. However, never received a reply.