This is absurd. This reservation was mad by the customer through our online website. They were emailed a confirmation after booking that clearly states the day of the trip. We contacted them and they said they have another activity scheduled. It wasn't an error our staff made with a reservation as it was booked directly online. They put in all dates and times. It's unfortunate they double booked themselves, but our crew was here and ready to show them an amazing time, however, for some reason they couldn't make it and decided to make it our problem rather than admitting the mistake and moving on.
I offered to reschedule them however, I never heard back. We apologize you didn't get a chance to actually experience our activity. If you did show up for the reservation, I know this "review" would be much different.
If you make a reservation online, make sure it is correct. We can't know you made a mistake and we will make sure our boat and our crew is ready for all reservations. In return, we ask you show up. If you miss it, you will be charged. However, we would much rather take you our for an amazing adventure, than just let a no show go through. Our goal is to make memories. No where does it say we are about money. A little communication goes a long way.